Feldman: Piano and String Quartet (1985)

__p({dnl Lilypond engraving of Morton Feldman's __i(Piano and String Quartet) (1985). See __a(score video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUAxrFQXuO4). dnl __a(source, https://git.sr.ht/~isagel/feldman-piano-string-quartet) })dnl __bq({dnl __bqp({dnl __tab()"By the ’80s, when Feldman started writing longer pieces, I foolishly didn’t take dnl the time to listen to them and Feldman drifted out of my musical consciousness. dnl Then, in 1987, Morty died. })dnl __bqp({{dnl __tab()Within the next few years I began to listen to some of his late works. dnl Two of them, Piano and String Quartet (1985) and the Turfan Fragments, particularly struck me. dnl Piano and String Quartet is the most beautiful work of his that I know, and on examining the score I began to see that many of its quiet mysterious chords were actually inversions of themselves. dnl Repetitions of material were nl never exact repetitions. dnl In the Turfan Fragments, there is again a play of rhythmic phase relationships within the music. dnl Feldman was able to combine extremely chromatic harmony, soft dynamics, and generally slow flexible tempos with 'minimal' phase and variation techniques. dnl I felt like I was getting a composition l lesson from the grave. dnl I wanted to call him, to tell him, that I had missed the boat with his late pieces, to ask how he made them—-but that was no longer possible. }})dnl __bqp({{dnl __tab()I miss Morton Feldman, and I love and admire his music." }})dnl __bqp({__en() Steve Reich}) })dnl })